Jewellery, Art and Books for sale
Prices do not include shipping costs. All prices are in Canadian dollars. No tax, as I paid taxes already!

$14.00 CAD You also get a copy of my letter from the Dalai Lama's assistant with your book! Now adding a copy of my email from The Office of H.H. The Dalai Lama, too!

Small sterling silver cross. Turquoise bead in centre.
$20.00 CAD.
Copper necklace with glass beads and a large lapis stone.
$50.00 CAD
This took 14 hours to make!

Two small copper wire crosses. Both have turquoise beads in the centre. The one on the right has been sold,
$10.00 CAD each

"Roses". A small oil painting on canvas board.
Easy to ship!
$15.00 CAD

Horse painted onto a t-shirt. Washable. Preshrunk t-shirt. Men's size small.
$10.00 CAD